Farming vs. Hunting

Edited by Admin

Farming is easier and more rewarding than hunting or, prospecting.

First of all, you’ve already made the most important sale of all, your self. It’s no longer about if the client trusts you but rather, if they have a need for a product or service you can provide. Hunting runs the risk of exposure to, believe it or not, rejection.
For a new sales person, that perceived risk is exponentially higher, much like asking a girl to dance at your first school dance.
The problem is further exasperated because legacy sales/prospecting and in particular cold calling techniques require the sales person to engage in making disingenuous claims, forcing them to become “un-authentic” and as a result, provoking the kind of reaction from prospects that is often rude, sometime demeaning and usually disrespectful.
Sounds like fun doesn’t it!

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